Dec. 13th, 8pm at Roulette Intermedium (509 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11217)| Purchase Tickets
For the festival’s third event, performers Margaret Leng Tan, Tristan McKay, Adam Tendler, Alexa Dexa and Phyllis Chen take the stage to showcase a variety of compelling works that incorporate mechanical musical instruments with live performers. From metronomes, Fisher-Price record players and hacked music boxes, the event surrounds the 2017 leading performer, the Robot Toy Piano, with other fellow automotoys.
As a nod to the festival’s initial inspiration, the night will close with the infamous (and rarely heard) work by John Cage, Amplified Toy Pianos performed by Adam Tendler, Tristan McKay and Phyllis Chen.
Black and White (for robot toy piano) by Rieteke Hölscher
**world premiere
Bellerina (for musical suitcase) made and performed by Dan Jodocy
Cadaquesan Landscape (for piano, two metronomes and automated music box) by James Joslin
Margaret Leng Tan, piano
*US premiere
Hybrid Entity (for robot toy piano, electronics and live performer) by Dan VanHassel
Tristan McKay, toy piano
**world premiere
Categories (for robot toy piano, Fisher-Price record player ) by Alexa Dexa
Alexa Dexa, toy instruments
**world premiere
Amplified Toy Pianos by John Cage
Adam Tendler, Tristan McKay, Phyllis Chen, toy pianos